

What causes wrinkles?

After the age of 20 our skin starts producing 1% less collagen each year and stops around the age of 40.

The other concern is that water transfer slows between the skin layers and sebum levels decrease.


How To Treat Wrinkles?

Traditional wrinkle treatments can be painful and unsafe for pregnancy. Including Retinoids, Chemical Peels, or Botox. 

But you deserve to feel your best throughout motherhood. So we created a natural alternative to help your skin appear plump and smooth.

Ingredients like Bukuchiol and Centella increase skin cell renewal and collagen production. This leaves the skin looking smooth and fresh.

Bakuchiol has been studied and shown to be just as effective as Retinol to diminish wrinkles. It is extracted from a flower and much more gentle.

You can find these ingredients in our Renewing Flower Serum.