Some days test your patience…

I recently had one of those days. My son has little destructive moments that fill me up with MOM RAGE!

Just the other day he grabbed an entire dozen of fresh muffins and smashed them covering the floors and counter in chocolate and blueberry 😤

Part of me wanted to react, cry and scream. I’ve had enough experiences like this to know and accept that some things are out of my control – like my son’s mischievous behavior.

However, there are things a few things I can control and ground me. I have control over my mornings.

Starting every day with a simple skincare routine and fresh clothes makes me feel like I started my day on my terms. Knowing this helps me face the day with energy so I can navigate the unplanned moments with a little more patience and grace.

By incorporating these 3 products, I can put on my “I can do anything!” face - not matter what I am up against - which allows me to take on the day with a boost in confidence and feeling like I can control something during those out of control moments.

Just look at the difference 3 steps can make!

Products mentioned:

  1. Brightening Fruit Essence - incorporates fruit high in vitamin C to help your skin appear more even and toned

  2. Renewing Flower Serum - firms and smooths your skin

  3. Luminous Berry Oil - hydrates and gives your skin a warm glow

Remember, you have to feel love to give love. Give yourself some grace and have a moment in your day (even if small) that’s on your terms 💜

August 22, 2024 — Kyra Venable

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