Looking for a magical skin ingredient for your combination skin?

You can reduce redness, inflammation, and help prevent signs of aging!

Butterfly Pea Flowers give our products a lovely blue color. They are also full of incredible skin benefits.

These benefits are perfect for combination skin types.

The flower has been shown to calm skin and visibly reduce redness. It does this through the compounds found in the root.

Studies show that the flower has anti-glycation properties. This keeps rogue sugar molecules from breaking down proteins in the body. By doing this it helps prevent collagen loss.

All parts of the plant can increase the presence of the body’s “master antioxidant”, glutathione. It also acts as an antioxidant itself.

This helps prevent skin cell damage and hyperpigmentation.

The flowers grow in Asian countries like China, Malaysia, and Thailand.

I use the whole plant in my formulations. This is to make sure that your skin receives the full benefit.

Combination skin types can enjoy calmer more even skin with Butterfly Pea Flower.

Receive the benefits of this incredible flower when you use these products! Moon Beam EssenceDrops of Neptune, and Meadow Dream Restore Cream.
January 18, 2022 — lmc-admin

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