Are you embarrassed of your skin? We are here to tell you that your skin does not define you!

Many of us have dealt with acne throughout our lives and have a story to share that has stayed with us. I wanted to share my story to help you feel less alone and show that we can overcome challenges, however big or small.

When I was in junior high, I struggled with acne and I had a hard time fitting in.

I wanted to be accepted so badly, but I was trying to fit into all the wrong “cliques”.

Because of this, I was often the target of bullying.

One day a girl pointed to my face and said "Is that acne?"

As a young girl, I was completely mortified.

I convinced my parents to put me on Accutane (an aggressive oral acne treatment). The acne disappeared for a while. But after I had my son, my hormonal acne returned with a vengeance.

I was so frustrated! How could this happen again?

I decided to find solutions for my skin and ended up creating a skincare company for sensitive skin that would help thousands of women find solutions for their hormonal, combination skin problems.

Watch My Full Story Here!

Hormonal acne is common during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and even around the time of your period. If pregnant, this usually starts around six weeks and can last into the third trimester.

It is also common a few days before your period as a result of increased estrogen and decreased progesterone production.

Unfortunately, most conventional acne treatments are not safe to use during pregnancy.

These include Retinol, Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, and Chemical Peels.

We understand how frustrating this can be and we want you to have natural, effective, and pregnancy-safe skincare products.

Don’t worry.. Mother Nature is on your side this time!

She has given you all of the ingredients necessary to calm and repair your skin.

Ingredients such as:

  1. Bakuchiol - a natural Retinol replacement for skin cell turnover
  2. Elderberry - antibacterial & anti inflammatory properties
  3. Chamomile - promotes wound healing

Using our 4-step Time to Repair routine can help you achieve more even, balanced skin.

Within 8 weeks you will notice a tremendous difference in your skin.

Finally find that pregnancy glow you were promised!

If you have felt ashamed of your skin, you are not alone! It does get better.

Don't let your skin define you. Share your personality and light with the world and never hold back.

July 18, 2024 — Kyra Venable

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