How do you feel about self-care?

The word is so overused that I don’t really know what it stands for anymore. Between inspirational quotes, bubble baths, and candles, self-care has lost its meaning. Can you relate?

There is almost this pressure to force ourselves to schedule time for self-care, often creating more stress and anxiety instead of allowing ourselves to find those true healing moments that are good for our mind and body.

So, instead of thinking of self-care, let’s re-frame to self-love—an extension of the Lavender Life. What is the difference between self-care and self-love? The why.

Self-care feels like a checklist of things you need to do because you have to take care of yourself.

With self-love, you incorporate intentional moments just for you into your day because you care about your mental health and wellness.

As moms, we need to carve out the time to show ourselves love. It’s not always convenient or easy, but it’s necessary.

With motherhood, it can feel as if life is happening and we’re reacting to it. But, when we ‘schedule’ and plan for those moments of self-love, we’re taking control over a moment in our day, making it happen for ourselves.

Here are some ways I’m practicing self-love:

  1. A daily skincare ritual with natural healing products, safe for my skin and my baby. This includes incredibly nourishing and rejuvenating products like our Almond & Coco Body Cream/Lavender Body Cream, Coconut Oat Milk Bath, and Herbal Relief Body Mist —- they can all be used to create a self-love inspired ritual to create time in the day - just for you.
  2. Pickleball in the evenings after I put my son to bed and right before the sun sets. The air is cool and I get to move my body.
  3. Drives around town listening and learning from audiobooks about natural birth. Sometimes I stop at my local ice cream shop for a rootbeer float.

How are you showing yourself love? Let’s all inspire each other to find a little more time in our busy lives to slow down, find our why, and be intentional about how we are spending our days. Create those special moments that become habit and routine that fill your cup and push you towards the self-love you deserve.

July 18, 2024 — Kyra Venable

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