The Truth About Beauty Standards

Do you ever find yourself trying to achieve flawless skin? You see your friends and think they have amazing skin, you look on social media and no one seems to ever get a blemish. You think that once your skin reaches your standards, you can finally be happy. 
November 30, 2022

Why Your Postpartum Products Aren't Helping You

As a licensed pharmacy technician I have seen gaps in the pharmaceutical industry and now with my training as a formulator, I understand how those gaps can be filled. I use organic, pesticide free, medicinal plant ingredients. My products are safe for sensitive skin and provide incredible relief for inflamed or itchy areas. 


November 28, 2022

How-to Make a "Get-to-do" List

As a mother, I often lose patience and allow stressful thoughts to occupy my mind. I want to tell you about a tool I recently discovered that has allowed me to gain some control over these thoughts. 
November 26, 2022

How-to Stop Feeling Guilty For Buying Skincare

Did you know that an estimated 120 BILLION pieces of skincare packaging are used each year and 70% ends up in landfills? Crazy, right?? It's not just the waste. The environmental impact begins the moment production begins. Including the fossil fuels to make and transport. I feel like Neil Armstrong when he first walked on the moon. “This is one small step for a man but one giant leap for mankind”. Okay, I’ll finally tell you what that solution is...
November 25, 2022

Run Away From This Christmas Gift!

Many people don’t realize that the ingredients in these popular body products can be harmful during pregnancy, and your body in general. The scents and bright colors are so appealing! Unfortunately, they contain ingredients like phthalates, dyes, and parabens. 
November 18, 2022

A Unique Teacher Gift

Finally, a gift that they can use everyday and won’t be forgotten on the kitchen counter or stuffed in the miscellaneous drawer. It even comes in a gorgeous giftable box for the season!
November 11, 2022

The Best Pregnancy Care Package to Gift this Holiday Season

Far too often a mother’s care is an afterthought. While everyone is asking questions about the baby, whether or not they are a good sleeper or eater, there is little conversation surrounding the mothers well-being. That is why we created a Pregnancy Care Package, specifically designed to meet the mother’s physical and emotional needs.
November 04, 2022

How-To Avoid The Skincare Scaries

If you have acne-prone skin, then you know what it is like to try all of the newest and popular products, only to be left with your skin in worse condition than it was before. You think “I did everything that the skincare gurus said to do, what went wrong?!” I’ve been there too, finding skincare for hormonal acne can be tricky, and that is why in today’s blog we are talking about 3 ways to avoid the Skincare Scaries, in honor of spooky season! Keep reading to learn more…
October 28, 2022

How I Combat Sugar and Stress Induced Cystic Acne

Well, My skin seemed to be doing alright until I went through a period of stress and that’s when my skin completely changed…I had pimple breakouts along my chin and cheeks. I also had inflamed cystic acne on my chin, and I felt kind of crappy overall. The health of my skin is something so important and personal to me, so I took drastic measures. Here is what I did:

October 21, 2022

Practical Ways For Moms To Find Rest When They Feel Exhausted

Being a mom can feel exhausting and it can be hard to find rest some days. So, we compiled a list of practical ways to relax throughout your day that we practice here at Lavender Meadows Co,
October 14, 2022

How To Feel Confident In Your Natural Skin

Despite all of the natural and clean brands out there today, none of them seemed to fully meet my needs or standards. All of that searching and disappointment led to the products I offer today. I did my research and even received a certification from Formula Botanica to make sure that what I create is safe and effective. With my knowledge I created skincare safe for pregnancy and sensitive skin.
October 07, 2022

Why Your Moisturizer Makes You Breakout

 I once believed that this was good advice, and thought that a moisturizer containing oils and butters would clog up my pores and make me breakout. But I learned what nobody is talking about!
October 04, 2022